Lead: Ryler Bleau

Programmers: William Huang, Antoniuk Volodymyr, Dylan

The gameplay in Cosmic Catch is divided into 3 separate modes, and as a result the UI is modeled differently for each mode.


Fishing HUD


Cooking HUD


Accounting HUD


Title Screen

Both the Options and Credits buttons will open up a separate menu, and the user can the return to the title screen.

To show the UI flow in greater detail, there is a flow chart.


UI Flowchart

An in-depth description of each task, with dependencies

Name Description Art reqs. Other reqs.

Morning fishing

| Timer | A circular graphical timer that shows the sun/moon progression through the day, also shows day number in the middle | icons(foodtruck, sun, moon) | UpdateTime(float time) from GameMode time:float{n..0} | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | Fishing rod Depth bar | Health bar that displays the depth of the rod. Progress bar with art symbols on either end. | HP bar full / not full art, icons(shallow, deep) | UpdateDepth(float depth) from gameplay depth:float{0-1} | | Fish counter | A symbol of fish with a numerical value. Add one fish each time the player catches | Symbol of fish | UpdateFishCount from gameplay totalFish:Int{0..n} | | Pause icon | See Menu Nav | | Interact with esc |

Afternoon Cooking Rush